The Greek word for revelation is similar to “apocalypse” which refers to a literary style that recounts a prophet’s dreams or visions intending to reveal God’s perspective on events. John calls this “apocalypse” a prophecy, meaning it is a word from God spoken through a prophet to God’s people.
John’s revelation contains vivid imagery and symbolic language to depict future events, including the end times and the final judgement and reveals the sovereignty of God over history.
Ultimately the book should lead the reader to one conclusion: Jesus wins!
learn the line-up
George Hulse guides us through the Book of Revelation over five days. Amid a debate by two seminarians about the timeline of the Book, a janitor overhears and pauses his work, interjects with simplicity, and declares confidently to their astonishment, “Revelation is simple, Jesus wins!” This unexpected insight cuts through the complexity, summarising the last Book of the Bible’s message in a concise, profound statement.
REVELATION reading plan
Discover how Reef has been inspired by Revelation.