

Acts, also known as the ‘Action’ book of the Bible, is packed to the brim with exciting events from start to finish!

The book of Acts shows the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit in the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven. It portrays how the apostles, empowered by the Holy Spirit, effectively addressed crowds, urging them to turn away from sin. It illustrates how the Spirit emboldened the apostles to confront those who threatened their lives, and how ordinary individuals performed extraordinary miracles.


Every surfer knows the feeling of expanding their surfing experience. It takes many breakthroughs that can be costly but exhilarating. The book of Acts walks through the early history of Jesus’ followers after His resurrection. It’s filled with breakthroughs that God made for His people, giving freedom and life to you today. Make a breakthrough in your faith with this new plan by Brett Davis – founder of Christian Surfers!