
Mikaël Legras

“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy.”

1 PETER 1:8

The sea and the waves have fascinated me ever since I was a child. I saw in them the magic of creation. I am part of the first generation of surfers on Reunion Island, where I started on my Morey Boogie in the 80s, and twenty years later, I fulfilled one of my dreams by opening my own surf school.

I have always enjoyed and appreciated the incredible potential of my island, both in the sea and in the mountains, and I was constantly seeking to feed my passion, never fully satisfied. I felt that I could hope for more, that I was destined to believe and live more than the ordinary.


I did not grow up in a context of Christians living their faith in spirit and truth. Instead, I encountered religious attitudes of judgment and control, which led to little faith-driven action on my part and more criticism, I admit, until the day I understood the phrase, “His kingdom is not a matter of talk but of power.”

I wanted to help a friend who had recurring nightmares at the same time every night, and they were so “strange” that I began to question the spiritual dimension of it all. I simply thought to myself that I had never taken the time to talk to God, to invite Him into my situation, to feel His presence, and to read His word. It was easy to say He wasn’t there without ever having spent time with Him to naturally and supernaturally realize that He could be there. When I took that time, I experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit within me, the peace of the Prince of Peace, and the illuminating gaze of an unconditionally loving Father. My prayers were answered, my friend’s nightmares disappeared, and the most beautiful adventure began with my heavenly big brother, my hero, my friend, Jesus.

I was looking for a path of joy, a life of ecstasy, and a truth that liberates me a little more each day, and it was with Him that I realized it’s not a concept, it’s not cognitive, it’s not a psychological or spiritual recipe; it’s a person. He is the way, the life, the divine truth for us, children of a good, joyful, and creative God. His passion for my life made me passionate. I discovered how His word is life-giving, better than any kind of high. The name of Jesus proclaimed with faith brings real physical healings, restored relationships, heals broken hearts, and transforms lives.