

 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

MARK 10:45

My name is John McCarthy, I live on the west coast of Ireland where I surf a big wave under 700 foot high Cliffs of Moher. I’ve surfed all over the world searching for the perfect wave. I certainly surfed some perfect waves in Mexico, Hawaii, Indonesia… but upon coming home from a trip to Hawaii one time, my friends mentioned there was the most perfect wave of all time, right near my home, under the cliffs.

No one had ever surfed it before, so we bought a jet ski and the rest is history! I got the privilege to name the wave “Aileens”. On the right day, it can offer the best tube rides anywhere in the world. It is the perfect ride. 

I started surfing young and started competing for Ireland in European & International events. I lived for surfing and getting good at it. At the age of 30 I was going around the world surfing Hawaii and scoring some big waves, then I went to Byron Bay.

I had a hunger to know more about the different faiths and religions and rituals around the world. So I bought a book on “world religions”. I was interested in all of them but when I read about Jesus, I realized that He very much stood out. It was his words on Loving your enemy & the fact that “He came to serve not be served & to give his life”. I wanted to know more, so I bought a Bible and went to Lakey Peak and started reading the gospel of Matthew.

I came back to Ireland and told my friends that, “I think I’m a Christian now”. I tried to follow God but the habits and crazy lifestyle I had picked up from my teenage and 20’s didn’t just go away. I ended up getting in trouble (things I had gotten away with earlier in my life now resulting in consequences) and came to the point that I needed help. 

I met a man from a group called “Christian Surfers” and went along with him once. While there, a pastor taught from the bible about how to please God by being born again and following the Holy Spirit. I met Jesus there in 2006. I experienced the love of Jesus.

The Bible says it this way, “This is real love—not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins”. After I surrendered completely to His love and realized that He had died the painful death on a cross for my sins (not just the sins of the whole world), I experienced a brand new life – a whole new beginning. That was in 2006 and I’ve never looked back after that experience. 

Following Jesus is a life of rest & peace. Having searched high and low for the perfect wave, my friends and I found that wave – but more importantly I found an eternal wave of peace, love and truth in Jesus, the Son of God. 

I’m now a pastor of a community church here in my home town of Lahinch, Ireland. It’s a joy to tell others about the hope of a life following Jesus. I also have a Youtube channel, surf big waves and share the Good News of Jesus. 

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”   

Only Jesus can offer us that God-given rest in our souls. We were made for that Rest and God wants us to know it and have it. It’s a free gift that Jesus paid for. Thank God we can receive it freely by believing in Jesus. Now that is Great News!