

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6
Why do you think God allows bad things to happen to good people?

Oh, wow. That’s a really big question because one could argue that it’s addressed in the Bible, where it’s stated that there is not one who is good. You know, we all struggle on Earth, contending with the temptations of the world and the selfishness we often choose over God and our neighbours. So, when we think about the concept of being a good person, I believe it’s ultimately God who makes us good. Personally, I am inherently filled with sin and darkness. However, it’s through Christ and His grace, His sacrifice on the cross, that I can be considered good and acceptable in His sight. Throughout the Bible, we see examples like Job, who had everything taken from him but remained faithful. 

So, in this world, we will inevitably face trouble. But we can take comfort in the fact that Jesus has overcome the world. Often, we all desire an easy and perfect life, avoiding pain as much as possible. Yet, when we encounter hardship, challenges, struggles, and pain, it compels us to rely on God for strength to carry us through. This is just one of the many hurdles we encounter on our journey. There are numerous other struggles that I face and continue to face, all of which contribute to my growth and force me to live in faith, trusting in the gift of faith that God has given me. If you’re going through a difficult time, I would encourage you to read God’s Word, as it can provide the strength we need.

You knew from a young age about the love God has for you and that you were going to pursue a professional career in surfing. But how did you come to know this?

I believe that God gives us passions, talents, and gifts for a reason. I don’t think we should ignore or set aside these aspects of ourselves. Instead, we should allow God to shine through our strengths and gifts. It was interesting for me because my entire family was involved in surfing, particularly my parents. Naturally, I could have not ended up liking surfing as much, and that would have been perfectly fine too. However, I found that I had a natural love for challenging myself in the ocean, and that passion drove me to pursue a career in surfing. I’m incredibly grateful to have this talent, and whether it’s in the professional realm or just enjoying the ocean, I find great joy in it. I also enjoy passing on this love to my own children, as it has become a wonderful way to share life with them.

Surfing, while being my gift and talent, has also been a potential idol or substitute for God in my life. It’s been a journey of finding the balance and asking myself whether God or surfing is at the center of my life. Many people can relate to this struggle because we have a deep love for activities like surfing. However, as I entered motherhood, I had to learn to wean myself off the dependence on surfing for my happiness and contentment, especially since I naturally couldn’t surf as much. If you had asked me 12 years ago if I would be okay with surfing taking a backseat, I probably wouldn’t have been. But it’s amazing how God gives us gifts along the way, and in my case, my children have become my most precious gifts. They are teaching me selflessness and prioritizing them above my love for the ocean. However, they are also motivating me to teach them to surf and share the love of the ocean with them, so we can enjoy it together. It’s a blessing to pass down this love and passion to your kids, and it’s truly a special experience.

You spent 2 weeks in prayer right before the attack asking God to bring you into the centre of His will
 can you tell us your heart intentions & desires over this period prior

It’s quite an extraordinary journey. My mom and I were praying together during that time, recognizing my talent in surfing and my competitive success at just 13 years old. Personally, nowadays, I don’t take 13-year-old’s talent seriously, however I was genuinely committed to my trajectory in the sport. We also wanted to ensure that my life honoured God. So my mom encouraged and prayed with me, asking God to be a part of my journey, and that surfing wouldn’t become my sole focus but rather a means to do more in life.

Our prayers were very specific, and then suddenly, my arm was taken by a shark. I remember being in the hospital with my mom, and we shared a moment of laughter, almost in disbelief, because this outcome was not at all what we had in mind. We had watched those corny movies where, in moments of crisis, people say, “It’s going to be okay,” and we chuckled at our own version of that moment. It was because of our bond in prayer that we knew deep down that everything would be okay, even though it wasn’t going as planned. We were open to God’s plan, no matter how unexpected. I’m immensely grateful to my mom for praying with me and reading God’s word during my teenage years because I believe God used her to prepare me for that challenging period and beyond.

Praying for God’s will to be done is indeed a difficult prayer because it means surrendering our own desires. We all struggle with our inherent selfish nature; we want life to go the way we envision it. I never wished to have a life with just one arm or to face the challenges that come with it. I wanted to surf great waves all the time and have the freedom to enjoy activities like going to the gym or hiking up mountains. However, now I find myself taking care of my child, ensuring she’s fed and put to sleep, which is a different kind of calling. Truly praying for God’s will can be frightening because it means accepting the unknown. As we discussed earlier, it’s not easy to say, “Let your will be done,” but what I’ve learned is that when God’s will is being fulfilled, we will find peace and be in harmony with God’s plan. Understanding that His plan is ultimately better for us allows us to let go and trust in Him. This trust often grows stronger when we go through trials and endure pain. It’s a blessing and a gift to pray for God’s will to be done. I think of the Lord’s Prayer, where we ask for His will to be done, and it’s a reminder that God’s love is greater than our own.

Your courage strength & perseverance has helped millions worldwide. Can you elaborate on some major opportunities have come from this one moment in time? 

Yeah, I mean, you could argue that it was so much more than the one moment because a lot of people might not have continued surfing.  Many people find inspiration and hope in stories of courage, strength, and perseverance when facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. When I lost my arm, it opened up a path of exploration into the unknown because, at the time, I didn’t know of anyone surfing with one arm, at least in my hometown, and social media wasn’t such a big thing then. It’s been an incredible journey, including making the movie “Soul Surfer,” producing my documentary “Unstoppable,” and writing books along the way. If you knew me personally, you’d realize I’m not the typical Hollywood movie type of person; I’m just doing what I love—surfing. My parents played a role in guiding me through this journey, even though none of us could have foreseen the outcome. We were just simple-minded surfers from Hawaii. What’s truly amazing is hearing stories from people all over the world who have been inspired by my journey and who find hope in it. During difficult times, people often need that beacon of hope to keep going, and I’m grateful that I can be a reminder of hope for others.

For me, loving my neighbour means sharing my story and putting myself out there, even when I might not want to. God has shaped my story, and I continue to see His work in it every day. But it’s not just about me; it’s about everyone who has faith and can be a positive influence in someone else’s life.

What does surfing mean to you?

Surfing means a lot to me. It’s about enjoying the ocean, staying active & healthy, being creative in the waves, and having fun, whether it’s with friends or enjoying some solitary time to reflect on life and appreciate the beauty of God’s creation.

How do you become unstoppable and live out a life God created you for? 

John 16:33 is a powerful verse that reminds us that in this world, we will face troubles, but through Christ, we can have peace because He has overcome the world. It’s essential to understand that it’s not our own strength that makes us unstoppable but our faith and trust in God. Living an unstoppable life and fulfilling the purpose God created you for is a profound journey, and it’s rooted in faith and reliance on God. God’s love and grace are what make us whole and pure, despite our struggles and sins. He continually refines us through these challenges, helping us grow spiritually and emotionally. Ultimately, it is Jesus who makes us unstoppable, and His desire is to do the same for all those who are willing to follow Him.

How does God best speak to you- through worship, prayer creation?

It’s interesting; there are a lot of different opinions on this matter. For me, I firmly believe that the one place we can truly trust is God’s Word. This is because I think there are times when we can get carried away by emotions, cultural influences, and various things that may attach themselves to the Christian faith but aren’t necessarily truthful, honest, or accurate representations of His teachings.

So, I make the conscious choice to keep it simple and focus on God’s Word to understand His perspective on things. I believe that in a world as confusing as ours, which can easily lead us astray, it’s essential to turn to God’s way as our primary source of guidance. There are many out there who may appear as sheep but are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing, so to speak. Therefore, relying on God’s Word is crucial.

When we consider all the things happening in the world, especially when we consume news and information, it can become overwhelming. In those moments, I believe we need to simplify our approach and turn to God’s Word for clarity and wisdom. He is here for us, and I can’t emphasize enough how reading books like Proverbs can be transformative. These scriptures, along with the Psalms, can change your life. I wholeheartedly believe that starting there is one of the most inviting ways to engage with the Bible. It serves as a constant reminder that God is always present for us.

As a mom shifting into different seasons and rhythms, where is the Lord leading you currently? 

 Yeah, it’s been quite a journey. I feel like motherhood is incredibly humbling, and it has tested me in ways that have led me to rely on the Lord more than ever. I can only imagine how things will change as my children get older. Right now, it’s mostly about dealing with the mundane aspects of parenting, managing emotions, and coping with tiredness. However, as life gets more complex, I can foresee it becoming quite challenging to continue to pray and seek God’s help as a parent. But it’s crucial to maintain that reliance on the Lord through all the challenges that come our way.

Despite the challenges, being a mom has been an incredibly rewarding and joyful experience for me. My own mom has always loved being a mom and instilled in me her adventurous spirit. Now, she’s a fantastic grandmother too. I’m having so much fun going on adventures with my children. It’s like all the things I looked forward to before I had kids, I now look forward to experiencing with them. Surf trips and other adventures are on my list, and I can’t wait to do them with my children. I admit, I might be a bit envious of your surf trips at the moment!

We’ll see when the opportunity arises for us to do those things together. But for now, I believe the Lord has led me to be with my children. It’s essential to remember some of the greatest commandments—to love the Lord and to love your neighbour. My children are my number one neighbours, so to speak haha. I focus on loving them, being there for them, and encouraging them in their faith, striving to be the best mom I can be.

Can you tell us a little bit about the Beautifully Flawed Foundation, Ohana mentorship, and ultimately your vision with empowering others through Christ?

My family and I started that organization after I lost my arm, and it has evolved over the years. I would say the heart of the foundation is to organize retreats for men and women with limb differences, aiming to encourage them in their journey and empower them to know the Lord. We also encourage them to share their stories if they’re willing. It’s like having a shoulder to lean on. Just as someone going through a cancer journey can relate to another who’s faced the same challenge, these retreats bring women and men together, allowing them to lean on each other. The foundation’s core mission is to share the gospel and convey God’s love in their lives.

There’s always a safe element in these retreats, making them truly awesome. Additionally, I created a mentorship program, focusing on mother-daughter pairs. It includes experiences like surfing in Hawaii or participating in a full retreat. The primary goal is to encourage teenage girls in their faith journey and provide support for their moms. Because, no matter what season of life you’re in, we all need encouragement, right? The heart of the program is to bring mothers and daughters closer, emphasizing the importance of the mother-daughter relationship. I’m there to hang out and be a part of both of their journeys.

It’s been an incredibly rewarding experience. We’ve had girls come from challenging situations and life’s difficulties, and we’ve been able to help them overcome their challenges, find hope, make wise choices for their future, and realize that they are loved by God. And then, as a bonus, they get to spend a surf day with me. It’s been really cool. We all aspire to do meaningful work, and for some of us, it’s more feasible than for others. But I believe that, no matter what your work is, you can be a light in your workplace. You don’t have to be engaged in a fancy ministry; you can make a positive impact wherever God has gifted you with talents in your workplace.

Personally, I feel called to mentor young women, and I would love to develop a program for boys down the road because I believe that our young men also need support and empowerment in their faith journey. Young people, in general, hold a special place in my heart, and I’m truly enjoying the work I’m doing. It hasn’t always been easy, but we’re committed to making a difference.

A favourite verse of scripture that resonates in this season of life?

Phillipians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” 

Just praying to God through this season- the ups and downs, the challenges, motherhood, and the chaos of the world
 not letting that overtake the joy that the Lord brings and the peace that he has for us.