the surfers bible?

Historically, Christian Surfers International has printed and distributed over 100,000 Surfers Bibles in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese. 

The Surfers Bible contains powerful testimonies from world renowned surfers, inserted into the pages of the new testament Bible. In 2024, a new edition English and French translation have been released with the pages of the Surfers Bible linking (via QR code) to video stories and guides here on The Surfers Bible website. Our goal is to make the Surfers Bibles and online resources free to those that are seeking to know God and read a Bible for the first time.

The Surfers Bible Project as part of Christian Surfers International are a nonprofit, crowdfunded organization that produces free Surfers Bibles, videos, online articles, podcasts and reading plans to make the biblical story accessible to surfers everywhere.

Christian Surfers currently exists in 33 nations from every corner of the earth. 

The goal is to see every surfer and every surfing community have the opportunity to know and follow Jesus, which includes over 120 surfable nations!

Connect with your local Christian Surfers group.