
“Suddenly, everything in my life made sense. I finally understood that God loved me as I was, that I deserved nothing but that Jesus had offered me this perfect love by sacrificing His life on the cross. My gratitude was immense and when I returned to France I decided to give my life to God and let him work in me. Everything changed from that day onwards. I was no longer afraid and I knew what I existed for.”

Born in Arcachon in 1982, I come from a non-Christian family, but I’ve always believed in a good and just ‘force’ that created the world. I’ve always felt this power close to me, warning me of good and evil, even though I’ve often chosen evil, making poor decisions and mistakes. But God was there to protect me. He was patient and faithful, even though many times I turned my back on him and didn’t listen to him.

It took me a long time to let go and trust him. Trying to accomplish everything through my own strength and work, I had this thought that made me believe that I didn’t deserve God’s love, that I had too many stains on me.

Through the joy and privilege of surfing in this marvellous ocean, the majestic lights, the landscapes that leave room for contemplation, the trips and encounters shared around the world, through the intense and extreme sensations, the challenges and fulfilment of competitions, I reached a point where I could no longer deny the existence of God!

Everything changed for me in Costa Rica. I’ll always remember two words that clicked in my heart. The first by an American pastor in Costa Rica, Barrett Cruce. I was going through a very difficult time emotionally, experiencing a total void as far as my professional career was concerned. I no longer knew who I was or what I wanted. In the evenings I’d take refuge in the skatepark Barrett had built facing the sea, and there I’d listen to his preachings. I was ashamed of myself, ashamed of being sad when I had everything and I couldn’t stop crying.

“I was going through a very difficult time emotionally, experiencing a total void as far as my professional career was concerned. I no longer knew who I was or what I wanted.”

One day Barrett said these words to me when we were surfing together: “Anne-Cécile, God wants more for you. He has something wonderful for you. He doesn’t want you to stay in this difficult situation; he wants to give you more. Accept the gift he wants to give you.” And I replied: “Thank you, but I’m fine!”

And yet, his words echoed in my heart; I couldn’t stop thinking about them. I wasn’t ready to admit it, but deep down I was happy because I no longer felt alone. I knew that in my inner struggle, which I was trying to hide from others, God could help me and save me. For the first time, I felt a little reassured. God was offering me hope. 

Then I met a French Christian friend in Costa Rica who left me a note the day I returned to France. I was so full of God’s love that I burst into tears when I read the passage on love in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. Suddenly, everything in my life made sense. I finally understood that God loved me as I was, that I deserved nothing but that Jesus had offered me this perfect love by sacrificing His life on the cross. My gratitude was immense and when I returned to France I decided to give my life to God and let him work in me. Everything changed from that day onwards. I was no longer afraid and I knew what I existed for. 

“Suddenly, everything in my life made sense. I finally understood that God loved me as I was, that I deserved nothing but that Jesus had offered me this perfect love by sacrificing his life on the cross.”

One of the greatest blessings God gave me was during the 2015 ISA World Bodyboarding Championships in Chile. I prayed every day that God would use me for His purpose. I didn’t focus on winning, but I prayed that everything I could experience would give him glory. I was already happy and grateful to be able to take part in this competition and by God’s grace I reached the final!

That day, as I crossed the whole beach before the final heat, I passed lots of people and received encouragement, but more than that, I saw God everywhere! I couldn’t contain my tears of joy, even making the people around me, including my coach, cry. God’s love and joy filled the space and overwhelmed our hearts.

My opponents were technically better than me, so my only chance of winning was to get the best waves. And God worked a miracle! I was alone at the top of the peak. Tears of joy were still streaming down my face. I was singing and praising God and my opponents were staying down between them, as if there was a force around me preventing them from getting near me. I couldn’t believe it! And miraculously, there were only two good sets during the whole final and I was the only one to get them, having a great time surfing and winning the title of World Bodyboarding Champion. God had just given me the greatest gift I could have imagined!

“Much more than the world title I had been dreaming of and fighting for for so many years, I received the serenity that I was at the right place in that precise moment and that I was useful to the Lord.”

Much more than the world title I had been dreaming of and fighting for for so many years, I received the serenity that I was at the right place in that precise moment and that I was useful to the Lord. This word filled my heart: “You are the light of the world … a lamp is not put under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. (Matthew 5:14-15) Through this title, God has given me the opportunity to bear witness to his wonderful work and power in our lives. Every day I pray that every one of his children will come to know him and be saved.