Nigel from United Kingdom
gave a Bible
Antonia from United Kingdom (UK)
received a Bible
Chris from United States
gave a Bible
Riaan from South Africa
received a Bible
Maddi from United States
gave a Bible
Ashley from Australia
received a Bible
Jeff from United States
gave a Bible
Caroline from Australia
received a Bible
Katie from United Kingdom
gave a Bible
Rachel from Australia
received a Bible
Charl from South Africa
gave a Bible
Christian Surfers Hostel from France
received a Bible
Lynn from United States
gave a Bible
Ed from United Kingdom (UK)
received a Bible
JOHN from United States
gave a Bible
Christian Surfers Hostel from France
received a Bible
Nigel from United Kingdom
gave a Bible
Oliver from United Kingdom (UK)
received a Bible
Phil from United States
gave a Bible
Ronaldo from South Africa
received a Bible

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